
江南体育 6℃ 0



The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. It will be the 59th quadrennial presidential election.




UEFA EURO 2020 is being held across the continent for the first time in the competition's 60-year history, with 12 host cities in all. There are no automatic qualifiers, with all the nations with host cities required to earn their place at the finals.

The tournament will open in Rome at 21:00 CET on 12 June. The group stage runs, with up to four matches a day, until 24 June (last matches in each group played simultaneously). The top two in each group and the four best runners-up progress to the knockout stage.

12/06/2020: Opening game: Turkey v Italy, Olimpico in Rome

12/07/2020: Final, Wembley Stadium (London)

group stage 小组赛阶段

knockout stage 淘汰赛阶段

runner-up 第二名、亚军

simultaneously 同时发生(或进行)地

simultaneous interpretation 同声传译



奥运会是世界范围内非常重要的体育活动,不光为人们带来精彩赛事娱乐活动,也为许多考试带来素材,下面是关于2020东京奥运会的简单介绍,其中2017年考研英语二阅读理解真题第一篇的文章是选自 The Guardian (《卫报》),主题 The Guardian View on the Olympic Legacy : Running out the Steam

Fifty-six years after having organised the Olympic Games, the Japanese capital will be hosting a Summer edition for the second time, from 24 July to 9 August 2020. The Games in 1964 radically transformed the country. According to the organisers of the event in 2020, the Games of the XXXII Olympiad of the modern era will be “the most innovative ever organised, and will rest on three fundamental principles to transform the world: striving for your personal best (achieving your personal best); accepting one another (unity in diversity); and passing on a legacy for the future (connecting to tomorrow)”.

Aligning with the reforms advocated by Olympic Agenda 2020, the Tokyo Games will use as many existing competition venues as possible, namely those built for the Games in 1964, such as the prestigious Nippon Budokkan for judo, the Baji Koen Park for equestrian events, and the Yoyogi National Gymnasium for handball. The Tokyo National Stadium, where the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and athletics competitions will be staged, will be completely revamped and replaced by a new arena.

Japan has been an Olympic land since the Summer Games of 1964, which were the first to be staged in Asia. In 2020, the country will host its fourth Games, if we include the Winter Games of 1972 in Sapporo and of 1998 in Nagano.

The Olympic mascot is called Miraitowa, which is derived from the Japanese words mirai (future) and towa (eternity). This name was chosen to promote a future full of eternal hope in the hearts of people all over the world.

existing competition venue 现有比赛场地

prestigious 声誉高的、赫赫有名的


英国脱欧事情弄得沸沸扬扬好久了,目前终于有了实质性进展,前首相特蕾莎·梅为脱欧的事情弄得焦头烂额,期待刚连任首相不久的Boris Johnson的表现

Following UK Conservative national election win on 12 December 2019, it looks certain that the UK will push ahead with the Withdrawal Agreement (‘WA’) plan to exit the European Union on the 31 January 2020.

31 Dec 2020 exit from EU VAT regime, Customs Union and Single Market

Under the terms of the WA, the UK will have an exit transition period until 31 December 2020. Until this time, the UK will remain within the EU VAT regime, Single Market and Customs Union.

The UK will continue to apply EU law during this period, with a few exceptions, as if it were a Member State. But the UK will have no institutional representation and no role in decision-making. The EU institutions and other bodies, offices and agencies will continue to exercise their powers under EU law in relation to the UK. The CJEU will have jurisdiction in relation to the UK and to the interpretation and application of the Withdrawal Agreement.

The UK will leave the EU VAT regime on 31 December 2020. Within the WA is a provision to potentially extend this to up to two years until the end of 2022 as a 'implementation period'. However, politically, the new government may choose for a clean breakat the end of 2020.

a clean break (与人、组织、生活方式等的)彻底决裂

Customs Union 关税同盟

Single Market 单一市场

VAT regime 增值税制度





















